
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


With everybody heading back to school for the start of the new semester, it got me thinking about what comes along with going back to school... endless hours studying, homework, waking up early to get to those 8 a.m.'s on time, group projects, etc. Then I also thought that heading back to class isn't all bad, I mean who doesn't love fresh school supplies, a clean backpack, and excuse to have an extra cup of coffee in the morning?! Over the past few weeks I've been brainstorming ideas on how to make the most out of your semester, so I came up with a little mini series for File to Style; Student Success! In this mini series I'm going to be covering...

How to take the best notes in class, even during the most boring lectures.

The in's and out's of everything you need to make the most out of your day spent on campus.
(Hint: sneak peaks inside my backpack... we can all admit we're a little nosy!)

The key to productive mornings that will keep you motivated throughout the day. 
(Spoiler: it may or may not be donuts.)

And of course, how to organize your crazy busy life with tips and tricks to get the most crossed off your to-do list!

I can't wait to start sharing more in this new little series! Since I just started going back to class this week I'll be working on getting these posts up very soon! As of right now you can expect to see these go live on WEDNESDAYS- so don't forget to check back for my first post next week! As always, stay tuned because we'll still have our usual posts go up in-between! If you have any requests for other topics you'd like to see me cover in student success make sure to leave them in the comments below!


  1. So cute! The Day Designer planner is my favorite! I'm going to forward this post to my cousin in college... she will love it!
    XO, Jillian

    1. Yay, thank you so much! I can't wait to share more! And I know, my day designer planner is my favorite! Thanks for reading!
