
Wednesday, June 8, 2016


This time of year is one of our favorites...a close second to the Fall and the Holidays.  Why you might ask?!?  It's the time of year when all the major brands launch their new agendas.  It's like agenda overload and to be completely honest we will probably try almost each one out.  Because they are all so cute and functional in their own unique way we tend to have different agendas for different aspects of our life.  The older half of File to Style works full time, manages a crazy house with a hubby and 3 kids while the younger half also works and is a full-time student.  So you can only imagine how different our lives are at times but at the root of all the chaos is a great agenda.

To kick off our favorite time of year we are giving away 1 Day Designer for Target to a lucky follower.  Jump out to our Insta feed to find out how to enter.

Good luck to everyone who enters.  The winner will be announced in 1 week from today so don't wait too long.

Angela & Amy

Check out some pics of the inside.  

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