
Tuesday, August 16, 2016


These past few weeks we've been a little bit planner obsessed- but we can't help it, planners are seriously amazing! Especially during the busy school year when I have to keep track of my work schedule, bills that are due, school assignments, projects, tests and not to mention wanting to have some sort of social life... I don't know how I'd get through without using a planner!

Later on in the semester I'm planning on sharing how I've been organizing my Rifle Paper Co. planner (which I've been loving BTW!), however I want to wait until I actually have some assignments written in there. For now, I thought I would share 5 things I think you should be writing in your planner that will help you stay organized!

1.) Class schedule and assignments- This one is probably a no-brainer, but it's so important to do if you want to stay on top of your grades! The day you get your syllabus, take an hour or so when you get home to write everything in your planner- test days, projects and due dates, extra credit assignments... anything and everything that is on that slip of paper! There is always a chance of dates being changed (which is super annoying, especially when you write in pen!), but that's why correction tape was invented! Trust me- stock up on this stuff.

2.) Work schedule and paydays- Probably another no-brainer, but you need to have it written down- especially when you don't work the same days every week! Since I started going to school I've always had a part time job that I need to schedule classes and studying around. Sometimes it can be difficult, but it's so much easier when you have your entire schedule written down and laid out in front of you! Also, writing down paydays and how much you get paid makes budgeting and saving money so much easier!

3.) Bill due dates- Right now I have a few things I need to pay for each month like my car insurance and phone bill (oh, and Netflix- just the important things.), and things like that I can't be late paying for! Writing it down in my planner when those bills are due as well as how much I owe is so helpful when I'm budgeting all my paychecks!

4.) Appointments- Anytime I go to an appointment like the dentist or the dermotoligist I make sure to throw my planner in my bag so I can schedule my next appointment. In my opinion, one of the most annoying things is to have to reschedule something 100 times because you didn't know you had class or had to go into work. Bringing you planner and scheduling right there saves a lot of frustration in the future. Also, write it down as soon as you schedule so you don't forget!

5.) Social commitments- If you're invited to a party, wedding, or even want to get coffee with a friend schedule it and write it down! Especially during the school year when your free time might not be as frequent scheduling things that you want to do is really helpful. Plus, you'll get excited when you see that your next coffee date is after your 8am lecture!

Hopefully these little tips were helpful for getting organized! Is there anything that you write in your planner that we don't have listed?

Happy planning!
Angela & Amy

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