
Wednesday, August 9, 2017


I don't know about anyone else but this summer has been the summer of 21st birthdays! All of my friends have been celebrating their big days, and more than once I've found myself in a pinch thinking what I should get them!

Fast forward a few weeks and now here I am waiting for my big day! I turn 21 on August 17 (!!!) and I'm so excited to celebrate!

I decided to put together a little wishlist of a few things I would like to receive as gifts, but that would make great gifts for your friends birthdays as well!

One of my personal favorite gifts on here is the monogrammed wallet- I received this for christmas last year and I get so many compliments on it! 

What is your favorite gift to give on your friends birthday?

Thanks for stopping by!



Monday, August 7, 2017


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a great, relaxing weekend!

There's only a few more weekends before it's time to head back to school and I'm trying to take advantage of every last second! This month I have some fun stuff left like the last of my sorority photoshoots, baseball games, farmer's market trips, birthday celebrations, and so much more!

This past week was filled with work and preparing for school, so this weekend I wanted to relax and have some fun! It consisted of a lot of movie-watching, going out to eat, downtown exploring and enjoying the chillier weather we've had!

Here's what I've been up to...


Yesterday was national sisters day! Of course I had to share one of my favorite pictures of the two of us! These past two years wouldn't be the same without sharing File to Style with my sister! Working together and coming up with new goals and ideas has turned into one of our favorite things to do together! Stay tuned for some exciting things we've been working on this summer coming up really soon!


Please tell me I'm not the only one who walks into Target and gets excited about seeing the back-to-school display set up?? Getting fresh pens, notebooks, and folders will never get old! It gets me inspired to take on the new semester ahead!


My boyfriend and I decided to spend one morning walking around one of our local downtown areas- wile we initially went to get some lunch, we found the farmers market and decided to explore that! They had the cutest little succulents that I was really tempted to take home to keep at my desk!

I had a nice relaxing weekend before having to jump back into my "work week", but I'm excited to start getting back into a little routine and being more productive!

Have a great week!



Friday, August 4, 2017


Now that it's officially August and all of the new academic planners have started (!!!) it's time to start thinking about back-to-school!

I don't know about you, but I am so ready to get back to school! My Summer break is 5 months long, and personally I think that is just such a long time to be on break! I am totally ready to get back into a routine, see my friends, and have a great semester!

Today I wanted to share some ways to prepare and get organized for the upcoming year ahead! This year will be my 4th year in college (for reference I started off at community college and then transferred to a 4-year university last year!) and these tips will help no matter if you're an incoming freshman, transfer student, junior, or even in high school! 

-Go through your school email and delete any unimportant messages from last semester so you can start off fresh in the fall!
-Make sure to save the important emails from professors, emails that have important dates, or important financial aid information on them!
-respond to messages that need attention!
-unsubscribe from emails that clutter your inbox!

-delete old files from your computer that you don't need anymore!
-create folders for all of your classes and save every assignment!
-create folders for your upcoming fall semester classes!

-write down all important dates for the semester! meetings, student organization events, football games, breaks, tuition due dates, homecoming, career fairs, etc.

-lined paper
-pens, pencils, and highlighters
-scantrons (trust me, get these before you need them!)

-print out your syllabus before class starts, most teachers don't print them for you!
-take time to write down all of your homework assignments, projects, test, and quiz dates in your planner before class starts.
-actually read the syllabus before class!

-before class starts walk around campus and find the buildings and rooms where your classes are so you're not scrambling on the first day!

Those are my tips to start your semester off on the right foot! Let me know if you have any other tips to get organized for back to school!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, August 2, 2017


*all pictures via pinterest

In the past few months I've done monthly inspiration board posts showing pictures and products to keep as inspiration, but I thought I'd switch it up a bit! I decided to add in monthly goals so I can share what I'm working on, what I have going on during the month, and help me stay on track with what I want to get accomplished for the month!

Here are my August Goals...

Save money & create a budget...
I'll be the first to admit it... I am not the best at keeping track of my finances! I need to save more money than I currently am, but I also have to stay on top of my bills I have to pay! I've been working on trying to come up with a budget and system to help manage my money. Any and all tips and recommendations are appreciated!!

Get a new backpack for school...
I am in desperate need of a new backpack before heading back to school this fall and I am so torn on which one I want! I want it to be practical since being a commuter I haul so much stuff to campus and back, but I still want it to be cute, ha! Here are a few of my favorites that I've found so far...

Go to a baseball game...
Going to baseball games are one of my favorite things to do during the summertime, but I haven't been to a single one this summer yet! Luckily for me I already have tickets to a minor league baseball game in a few weeks, and I'm planning on going to a major league game before going back to school!

Go to the donut and beer festival...
This month I'll be turning 21 and to celebrate I would love to go to our local donut and beer festival! If you know me you would know donuts are basically my favorite things ever- so put donut tastings with beer and cider tastings you have my dream birthday celebration!

Get ready for recruitment and bid day...!
Recruitment on my campus is just a little over a month away now and I couldn't be more excited! I've been collecting my outfits for our recruitment weekend and now all I need is to start collecting fun stuff to wear for bid day! Since I went through Informal recruitment in the winter semester this will be my first formal recruitment/ bid day celebration and I'm so so excited!

What are your goals for August? I'd love to hear in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!



Monday, July 31, 2017


Hello and happy Monday! I hope you all have been having a great summer and had an amazing weekend!

You may have noticed a few changes here on the blog- I decided to take another small hiatus from actually blogging to kind of re-vamp the site and get re-inspired for the end of the summer as well as the upcoming school year!

I have a lot of fun stuff planned for the rest of the summer before I head back to school that I'm excited to share here on the blog, as well as a bunch of fun posts related to organization, school, sorority, inspiration, and so much more!

This past weekend was spent doing a bunch of fun summertime activities including a trip to the zoo, fried oreos, and visiting a new aquarium! Here's a little peek into what I've been up to...


*shop my cute lettered hat HERE! 

On Friday I went to the zoo with a few girls from my sorority to get some footage for our recruitment video we've been working on! This was the first video shoot I was able to go to this summer and I had so much fun! I got to see some of my sisters I haven't seen since school got out, eat some dippin dots, and take a bunch of pictures! Now I'm even more excited to go back to school and go through my first formal recruitment weekend!


This weekend my boyfriend and I also went to a local fair and had such a fun time! We started off the day walking through the tents to see the animals, and then we rode a few rides, ate lunch, and of course ended the day with some fried oreos!


My boyfriend and I also decided to check out our local aquarium! It's no Shedd but for a smaller sized aquarium it was actually really cool! We had so much fun looking at the fish, going to the interactive exhibits, and taking a bunch of funny pictures! For sure a great way to spend a sunday afternoon!

Hope you enjoyed a peek into my weekend!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great week!



Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Shop all Lilly Pulitzer agendas HERE!

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! I had a much needed relaxing weekend after working 8 days in a row! I decided to focus more on spending time with family, friends, and my bf who I hadn't seen in two weeks (!!!) instead of being on my phone and taking pics! But no worries, I have another fun weekend coming up so my Around Town posts will be making a comeback next week!

Anyway, onto the interesting stuff...Lilly Pulitzer agendas are B A C K!! They are available for pre-order today and honestly, I couldn't be more excited! I used these agendas all through high school and my first year of college, but I strayed away for a few years to test out every other planner out there. However, as I was looking through my collection of planners, I realized how much I missed my Lilly ones! They were the only ones that I actually used for the whole year! There's really no reason to not love them...beautiful covers, easy layout, functional, and cheerful all year long! (bonus, none of my pens ever bleed through...FYI!)

Also, once I saw this beautiful flamingo cover on the classic planner I knew I had to have it! I think I'm going back to my roots this year with my Lilly agenda!

What one is your favorite this year?? They're all so pretty!

Angela & Amy

Friday, May 26, 2017


*Shop Day Designer for Bluesky HERE!

About two weeks ago I walked into Target to find the new Day Designer planners! I was so excited about the new cover designs this year- they go perfectly with the covers that Day Designer released earlier this year! I immediately fell in love with the palm print cover and the wall calender as well as the blue and white printed cover!

I'm also super excited about the adorable list and sticky note set and the washi tape set! I can't wait for the full collection to hit my local Target so I can stock up on the necessities before heading back to school!

What is your favorite cover design that Day Designer released this year?

Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Lately I've been hearing a lot about bullet journaling everywhere! Youtube videos, instagram, and especially pinterest! Bullet journaling seems like a cool concept, especially because you can customize it to be however you want!


I love the idea of being able to sit down and curate a planner to exactly what you need- you can make a spot for assignments, to-do lists, dinner plans, exercise log, tv shows.... literally anything! Especially during my summer break when I don't have much of a structured week I feel like this would be something interesting to try in place of a planner!


I love the layout of this one- having all the days of the week on one side of the page and a spot for notes on the other side is a great way to stay organized without your system being too hectic!

What do you think about bullet journals? Are you going to trade in your planner for a more customized option? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


I believe skincare is something you should take very seriously- I've always been pretty good about washing my face and removing my makeup, but since I've been getting older I've noticed changes in my skin that have required more attention than just a simple cleanse.

When I first started college, I noticed that I would get little breakouts all over my skin that weren't quite pimples, but still red and noticeable. Nothing I was doing was helping my skin clear up. After going to the dermatologist we figured out that these little breakouts were rosacea. Since then I've also realized that my skin is very sensitive and I can't use harsh acne treatments. After a lot of trial and error, I've finally found a routine that works for me and keeps my skin break-out free thanks to Simple Skincare!

I started off using the Simple Cleansing Micellar Water, but thought that if that worked so well maybe I should try adding in their other products to my routine! Slowly but surely I've found my favorites and a routine that is effective, easy to follow, and affordable! All of these products can be picked up at any local drugstore!

Aside from my main skincare routine I've found a few masks and treatments that I can still use on my sensitive skin! Some of my favorites are...

Keep Your Cool Skin Calming Gel Mask- I just recently picked this up, but I already have been loving it! I love all of the masks I've tried from Formula 10.0.6, but so far this one is my favorite! It goes on clear and it smells and feels super refreshing on your skin! After I use this I notice that my skin looks less red and feels softer! This mask is even gentle enough to sleep in, however I haven't tried that yet.

Biore Pore Strips- These have been a favorite of mine since middle school! I've always had pretty bad blackheads and pores, so when I notice they need a little TLC I pop one of these on and it's a great quick fix that gets them clean ASAP!

What are some of your staple skincare products?? Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy


Tuesday, May 23, 2017


*Shop Rifle Paper Co. Planners HERE!

Last year I used a Rifle Paper Co. planner and I loved it! Rifle Paper Co. is one of my favorite stationery brands, and their planners did not disappoint. I was so excited to see the new designs for the 2017-2018 academic year- I already know that I'm going to pick one up for the upcoming school year but I can't decide what one I like the best!

Last year I had the smaller size, but this year I think I'm going to upgrade to the larger, spiral bound planner so I can have more room to write down all of my assignments, due dates, and sorority meetings!

I love that the Rifle Paper Co. planners have such a simple layout that makes it easy for you to customize how you want to use it! I also love the weekly inspirational quotes and the two checklist columns for every day of the week!

If you're interested to see more of the layout check out my review of the 2016-2017 version I did last summer here!

Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy

Monday, May 22, 2017


Good Morning and happy Monday, friends! We hope you had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead!

This past weekend my cousins and I took a girls trip to their new cottage up north! Despite the weather being cold and rainy (and me only packing donut pool floats and shorts...ha.) we had a great time gift shopping, latte drinking, and watching say yes to the dress on the couch! I'm already looking forward to our next trip up north, but hopefully the weather will be a little warmer!

Anyway, here's a little peek into my weekend!


We left for our girls weekend on friday afternoon, so the first thing we did when we got up there was drop off our luggage, throw on some warmer sweatshirts, and head back out for dinner! Although we ate inside since it was super windy and cold outside, we still sat by the windows so we could have a good view of the lake. I can't wait to go back later in the summer so we can eat outside on the dock!


On Saturday, the weather warmed up a little bit so we took advantage of the sunny afternoon to head into town to do a little gift shopping and of course get some coffee! We found the cutest little coffee shop in town that had amazing lattes, bubble tea, and an instagram dream wall for awesome pictures! This was definitely one of my favorite stops of the trip...we even went back Sunday morning before heading home!


If you can't tell from this pic, we were freezing! Like I said, I wasn't very prepared when I was packing. However, my cousin and I (who are both in the same sorority on campus, how cool??) both remembered to pack our favorite Letters by Alex sweatshirts for the weekend! 


Sadly, all fun things must come to an end. However, this was only the beginning of a fun summer! I have almost every weekend until class starts back up in September planned with fun weekends, and trips and I can't wait!

We hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy 

Friday, May 19, 2017


The weather has been getting warmer and warmer over here and I'm itching to update my summer wardrobe! I've been browsing my favorite shops and put together a fun little shopping list full of my favorite finds! The best part is most of these things are all pretty affordable since I'm working with a college student budget, ha!

My favorite things I've found are the easy swing dress, the scalloped tote, and the Madewell sunnies (on sale!!). Also, these jean shorts from Old Navy are my absolute favorite! They fit great, are comfortable, and super affordable too! 

What's on your shopping list this summer??

Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

Angela & Amy


Thursday, May 18, 2017


ASOS PURPLE DRESS (under $30!!) // NUDE HEELS (also under $30!!) // REBECCA MINKOFF BAG

Even though school just ended I'm already thinking ahead to the fall and formal recruitment... that being said I knew I had to have a purple dress for our philanthropy day but I hadn't seen purple dresses anywhere! I found this gem one night while doing a little online shopping and I knew I had to have it... purple, ruffles, and the best part? It's under $30!

Even though I bought it with the intentions of wearing it to formal recruitment in the fall, I know I'm going to have a few opportunities to wear it this summer! I'm planning on wearing it to a country club shower next month with my nude heels, but it would also be cute to wear to a nice dinner out with a pair of jacks to make it feel more casual!

Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy


Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Shop Simplified Planners HERE!

This might be one of my favorite times of the year... school's out, the weather is warming up, and the new academic planners are being released! Today Emily Ley is launching her 2017-2018 simplified planners and I couldn't be more excited! I love the fun, bright designs on all of the covers- a happy planner makes homework assignments, bill due dates, and work schedules a little more fun right??

I also love the updated weekly planners and their updated new covers! Personally I prefer my planners to have weekly layout so I can have all my assignments and projects laid out in front of me. I can't decide what planner is my favorite this year! I'm torn between the classic stripe and the pretty floral!

Thanks for stopping by!


Angela & Amy

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Although the start of summer is exciting and much needed after a long two semesters at school, that also means not being able to see your best friends every day anymore! What better way to brighten up your big/little's, best friend's, or even your BF's week by sending a handwritten note in the mail on this cheerful little flamingo card??

These flamingo notecards are one of my favorite new additions to the shop! The best part of these is once you purchase the downloadable file (only $3!!) the file is yours to save on your computer and you can print as many of these cute little cards as you want!! Print them at home or bring them to your local print shop and snail mail the day away!!

Shop my flamingo cards here, and check out the rest of my Etsy shop here!

Thanks for stopping by! Who are you sending these cute notes to this summer??


Angela & Amy

Monday, May 15, 2017


Hello, and happy Monday! I hope your weekend was full of family, fun, and great weather!

I've decided to bring back my around town posts to share a little peek into my life! Also, now that I'm on summer break until September (!!!) I have a lot of fun plans coming up that I can't wait to share!

Here's a little peek into my weekend...


I popped into Target with the intentions of getting snacks to sneak into the movies (BTW- we saw Guardians of the Galaxy and it was so good!), but I stumbled across the new Day Designer collection! I can't decide what my favorite print it between the blue and white pattern and the palm leaf print! 


On Sunday, we celebrated my mom! We started off by heading over to my brother's house for a fun afternoon and then ended the day at my sister's for a BBQ dinner complete with mimosas and a family kickball game. Also- I just got this dress and I already know it's going to be my go-to all summer long!


After a few chilly weeks the weather finally started to warm up this weekend! My favorite thing about the springtime is all the blooming flowers and these lilacs did not disappoint! 

How did you celebrate your mom this weekend??

Angela & Amy


Friday, May 12, 2017


Back In January I made one of these little inspiration board posts and had the intentions of keeping it up every month. Although it's been a few months since that original post, I'm excited to share my May inspiration board on File to style!

This month I'm all about the pink... pink flowers, pink drinks, and everything in between! Some of my favorite pictures and painting inspiration have been from Rifle Paper Co. illustrations, A Thing Created from Etsy, Evelyn Henson, and Ashley Brooke Designs bright pictures!

Be sure to check our Pinterest boards to see what inspires us every day!

What's on your inspiration board this month? We'd love to know!


Angela and Amy

Thursday, May 11, 2017


*Shop this print here!

Hello, long time no talk once again! To say that this last semester has been a little busy would be an understatement to say the least. Unfortunately the blog and shop were the first things to get put on the backburner. A lot has changed in the last few months! Since the last time jumped on the blog I went through sorority recruitment and accepted a bid to join Tri Sigma on my campus, took 15 credit hours in school, worked two jobs, and so so much more!

Now that finals are officially over and life has slowed down a little, I'm happy to say that my blogging days are back and I've been working on new designs to add to the shop! Here's a little peek at what's new to my Etsy shop...

Thanks for stopping by!

Angela & Amy

Friday, January 20, 2017


I'm always looking for inspiration whether I'm walking around Target snapping pictures of the cute Valentine's Day display, scrolling through Instagram saving and screenshotting my favorite pictures, or flipping though a magazine ans ripping out my favorite pages to tuck away in my folders.

I know I can't be the only one who thinks like that... So, I decided to start making monthly inspiration boards to share on File to Style! These are also for my own personal reference when thinking about new ideas for products, Instagram pictures, and blog posts, but I know you will enjoy these too!

Currently, my favorite places/brands/artists to go to for inspiration are Papersource for their adorable stationary, Rifle Paper Co. for their fun illustrations, Evelyn Henson for her punny sayings and paintings, and of course Pinterest for everything in between!

Hope you enjoy!

Angela & Amy